6 M1 students joined the ROC-CEDRIC research lab for a summer internship :– Ali Awarkeh, on the experimental LoraWAN testbed deployment,– David Kule, on the experimental 5G testbed deployment,– Farnaz Ebrahimishad, on the evaluation of novel time-series distributed databases for
Preliminary 2022/2023 M2 planning
You will find at this page the preliminary M2 planning for 2022/2023.
Scholarships for British Students
The Franco-British Council offers scholarships for British students willing to study a master program in public institutions in France. To apply, please apply to the master program including the scholarship application form as an additional item to your application.
2022/2023 applications: next steps
The master applications for 2022/2023 are now accepted only through the Cnam master application form. The Campus France platform (for extra European candidates) is now closed for managing the applications. The Eiffel scholarship application deadline has elapsed as well. Additional